Wednesday, February 07, 2007


We learned yesterday that our adoption agency doesn't expect us to have our final ruling and travel dates for several more weeks. Apparently, people (court clerks) go on vacation in advance of the Chinese New Year closure, which we weren't expecting. So, instead of the normal four-week wait between first ruling and final ruling, we are looking at an eight-week wait. We'll hopefully be traveling in mid-March, but it feels very up in the air at this point. We are very disappointed and even considered going ahead and traveling anyway (you are allowed to foster your baby in Taiwan if you choose), but we decided that was not the best thing for Aidan and our finances. So, that's the update for now. Hope to post better news soon.


I-Chwen said...

Amy, sorry to hear about the setback. I think we were running into the same 'New Year' speed bump. Tien said the birthmother homestudy ordered by our judge was completed by Jan 27 but the hearing isn't scheduled until Mar 5. Hang in there, I think things will move quickly as soon as the new year vacation is over!

I-Chwen & Kevin

Anonymous said...

about that setback. Hold my hand when we get there.

We are doing China and Taiwan.

Anonymous said...

email me.

Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

Hi Amy,
Thanks for the post on our blog. And nice to "meet" you,too! Congratulations on your new daughter, Lauren. Sorry to hear about the setback but hopefully you will get travel news soon. Let me know if you want any travel tips...we had a great time on both of trips to Taiwan and can't wait to go back in the future. I'll look forward to following you on your journey to Lauren. P.S. A book that our son loved and read a lot right before our trip to Taiwan was "Waiting for May" about a big brother waiting to pick up his baby sister (Mei-Mei) in China.